Motivational Quotes Watch Face Privacy Policy

Name: Motivational Quotes Watch Face

Bundle Id:

Available on Google Play:

This Privacy Policy explains how Motivational Quotes Watch Face collects, uses, and discloses personal information when you use this mobile application called Motivational Quotes Watch Face (the "App") which is available on the Google Play Store.

If you installed this application from Google Play, then Google Play does collect some personal data. Please see the privacy policy for Google Play Services here:

About the Developer

This application is developed by myself, Krisztián Seres.

As someone who passionately uses Android, I place a high value on privacy. I empathize with the annoyance caused by apps collecting your data without your awareness.

I hereby state, to the best of my understanding and belief, that I have not implemented this application to gather any personally identifiable information. Any data generated by you as a user, such as app preferences (like themes ans settings), are solely stored on your own device and can be easily removed by clearing the app's data or uninstalling it.

In this document I'll explain how does this app takes care of the data that it gets as an input.

Contact Information

Legal name: Seres Krisztián EV

Legal address: Hungary 1021 Budapest, Huvosvolgyi ut 32. 1.em.

My email address:

If you have any concerns about how the app keeps your information private, please don't hesitate to send me an email. I'll do my best to assist you and provide the support you need.


I will share some basics concept with you so that I can explain what type of data does Motivational Quotes Watch Face collect and store.

The Concept of Personal and Non-personal Data

Apps can obtain and store personal or non-personal data.

Personal Data

Personal data refers to any information that identifies or can reasonably be used to identify an individual. It typically includes, but is not limited to, the following types of data:

  1. Identifiers: Names, email addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, usernames, or any other unique identifiers associated with an individual.
  2. Contact Information: Postal addresses, physical addresses, or other means of contacting an individual.
  3. Location Information: GPS data, IP addresses, or any other information that reveals the geographical location of an individual.
  4. Online Identifiers: Usernames, IP addresses, cookies, device identifiers, or any other data used for online identification.
What type of personal data Motivational Quotes Watch Face collects?

Motivational Quotes Watch Face does not collect or store any personal data that can be linked to you.

There is no option for the user to input any personal data to the app. The app does not offer user registration, ensuring that the user's identity remains undisclosed within the app. The user's identity is not disclosed to the author of this app or third party services this app uses.

In case you allow Motivational Quotes Watch Face to request your location, then your location will be used to get weather information related to your location.

When I searched for a weather provider It was important to me that the service should not collect or store any personal data of the user. This level of privacy is exactly what Open Weather does. Data forwarded to Open Weather are not collected nor stored according to their privacy policy, such as:

  • IP address of the user,
  • location of the user,
  • user agent of the user,
  • request parameters.

Non-personal data

Non-personal data, also referred to as non-personal information or anonymous data, is information that does not directly identify an individual or cannot be used to identify a specific person. In the context of a privacy policy, non-personal data typically includes:

  1. Aggregated Data: Data that has been combined or grouped together with other data to provide statistical or analytical insights, where individual identities are not discernible.
  2. Usage Information: Information about how users interact with your app, such as app usage statistics, session duration, clicks, or general patterns of user behavior.
  3. Device Information: Details about the user's device, such as device type, operating system, screen resolution, browser type, or language preferences.
  4. De-identified Data: Personal information that has been stripped of any identifying elements, rendering it unable to be linked back to an individual.

Non-personal data collected

Motivational Quotes Watch Face stores configurations, de-identified device ID that cannot be linked to you. The de-identified device ID support the referral service this app uses. These types of data can be deleted by uninstalling the application.

Storage Data Concepts

Accessed data can be stored permanently or temporarily by the application.

Permanent data storage concepts

Permanent data storage refers to the retention of user data for an extended period of time, typically with no predefined expiration or deletion date.

In the context of Motivational Quotes Watch Face all permanent data can be deleted by uninstalling the application.

Permanent data stored by Motivational Quotes Watch Face

All of the permanent data stored are non-personal. The following temporary data are collected by the app:

  • de-identified device ID,
  • purchased themes,
  • configuration data.

The locations where permanent data is stored is the wearable device or the users's android device, there. The other location where data is stored is the "Referral service and Purchase helper" service's backend server. This is de-identified set of data it is only linked to one specific installment of the app. Once you clear the data or uninstall the app this link will break.

Temporary data storage concepts

Temporary data storage refers to the practice of storing user data for a limited and defined period of time. This means that the collected data will be retained only for a specific duration as outlined in this privacy policy, after which it will be either deleted. Temporary data storage is often employed when there is a legitimate need to hold the data for a limited period, such as for processing purposes or fulfilling a specific service, while minimizing the potential risks associated with long-term data retention.

In the context of Motivational Quotes Watch Face all temporary data storage means that the data is stored in memory(RAM) and after the data is used and no longer needed it will be erased.

Temporary data stored by Motivational Quotes Watch Face

The following temporary data are collected by the app:

  • Fine or coarse location of the user, only when permitted by the user
    • This data is held in memory only for the time the app requests the weather from Open Weather.
  • Information displayed on complications
    • Data displayed on complications is held in memory only for the time the app displays them in complications.

Services Provided by the developer of Motivational Quotes Watch Face over the internet.

Referral service and purchase helper service

This service was developer by the author of this application.

This service enables the app to be able to know what referrals of a de-identified app install has. The referral service work with de-identified data as a result any party of this system is de-identified, this includes referers and referrals.

Third party services used by Motivational Quotes Watch Face.

Weather by Open Weather

When I searched for a weather provider It was important to me that the service should not collect or store any personal data of the user. This level of privacy is exactly what Open Weather does. Data forwarded to Open Weather are not collected and stored according to their privacy policy, such as:

  • IP address of the user,
  • location of the user,
  • user agent of the user,
  • request parameters.

This service only works when the user permits it.

Permissions required by Motivational Quotes Watch Face.

Here I'd like to state what permissions the app requires and what for.

    • This allows Motivational Quotes Watch Face to set the complication data source as a default and have the complication populate when the watch face is first seen.
    • In-app billing relies on the Google Play billing library, which handles all communication between Motivational Quotes Watch Face and the Google Play server. To use the Google Play Billing Library, the app must request this permission.
  • android.permission.INTERNET:
    • To perform network operations within the app, I had to must include the this permission. The weather and referral services are reached over the network.
  • android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
    • The weather service requires the location of the device. Only the user can grant these permissions to Motivational Quotes Watch Face.
    • This permission is used for reading data from samsung health. Only heart rate data is read and this data is only stored temporarily while displayed in a complication.
    • This permission is used for reading data from samsung health. Only calendar events are read and this data is only stored temporarily while displayed in a complication.

Last Amended: Budapest, June 27, 2023

Amended by: Krisztian Seres